Threat Modeling LLM Applications

Posted by Gavin Klondike on 06 June 2023

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Before we get started: Hi! My name is GTKlondike, and these are my opinions as a cybersecurity consultant. While experts from the AI Village provided input, I will always welcome open discussion so that we can come to a better understanding of LLM security together. If you’d like to continue this conversation, you can reach me on Twitter at @GTKlondike. And checkout my YouTube channel, Netsec Explained, for more advanced security topics.

This past week, OWASP kicked-off their OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Model (LLM) Applications project. I’m happy that LLM security is being taken seriously and feel fortunate to have joined the kick-off and Slack for this project.

As part of our conversations, there’s been a bit of debate around what’s considered a vulnerability and what’s considered a feature of how LLMs operate. So I figured now would be a good time to take a stab at building a high-level threat model to suss out these differences and contribute to a greater understanding of LLMs in a security context. I’d also like for this post to act as a starting point for anyone interested in building or deploying their own LLM applications.
