Custom GPTs: A Case of Malware Analysis and IoC Analyzing

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On November 6, 2023, CustomGPTs, a new feature that OpenAI stated on its blog, became available. We can already say that the emergence of Custom Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) could mark a significant shift in the dynamics of both digital defense and offense.

AI models, customizable for specific tasks, could represent a new frontier in the ongoing battle against cyber threats. Their capability to process and analyze vast amounts of data may make them invaluable in detecting and responding to sophisticated cyberattacks, including malware and other digital threats. Furthermore, Custom GPTs and SOCRadar Platform can also be used together to create an ultimate duo.

However, as Uncle Ben once said, with great power comes great responsibility, and the potential misuse of Custom GPTs in creating advanced malware is a growing concern. This blog post delves into the use of Custom GPTs, exploring their transformative impact on cybersecurity and critically examining the risks associated with their potential abuse.